Examples gallery¶
Below are examples of the different things you can do with lmfit. Click on any image to see the complete source code and output.
We encourage users (i.e., YOU) to submit user-guide-style, documented, and preferably self-contained examples of how you use lmfit for inclusion in this gallery! Please note that many of the examples below currently do not follow these guidelines yet.
Fit with Data in a pandas DataFrame
Fit Using Inequality Constraint
Fit Using differential_evolution Algorithm
Fit Specifying Different Reduce Function
Building a lmfit model with SymPy
Fit comparing leastsq and basin hopping, or other methods
Fit Specifying a Function to Compute the Jacobian
Outlier detection via leave-one-out
Model Selection using lmfit and emcee
Calculate Confidence Intervals
Global minimization using the brute method (a.k.a. grid search)
Examples from the documentation¶
Below are all the examples that are part of the lmfit documentation.