Getting Help

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for LMFIT, please use the mailing list or github discussion. These provide on-line conversation that are archived and can be searched easily with standard web searches.

If you do find a bug in the code or documentation, use GitHub Issues to submit a report. But if you have not submitted a bug report for LMFIT before, or if you are not sure that you have found a bug in LMFIT, please start a conversation on the mailing list or github discussion. A problem you are having may or may not be due to a bug in LMFIT. If it is due to a bug, creating an Issue from the conversation is easy. If it is not a bug, the problem will be discussed and then the Issue will be closed. Starting the conversation on the mailing list or Discussions page with “How do I do this?” or “Why didn’t this work the way I expected?” instead of “This did not work as I expected, so your code must be broken” is generally preferred, and will better help others with similar questions.

If you do submit a bug report, we expect that you understand how bug reporting works, and will provide the information needed to understand and reproduce that bug, such as a minimal verifiable example. If you have an idea for how to solve the problem and are familiar with Python and GitHub, submitting a GitHub Pull Request would be greatly appreciated.