Asteval Reference

The asteval module has a pretty simple interface, providing an Interpreter class which creates an Interpreter of expressions and code. There are a few options available to control what language features to support, how to deal with writing to standard output and standard error, and specifying the symbol table. There are also a few convenience functions: valid_symbol_name() is useful for testing the validity of symbol names, and make_symbol_table() is useful for creating symbol tables that may be pre-loaded with custom symbols and functions.

The Interpreter class

class asteval.Interpreter(symtable=None, nested_symtable=False, user_symbols=None, writer=None, err_writer=None, use_numpy=True, max_statement_length=50000, minimal=False, readonly_symbols=None, builtins_readonly=False, config=None, **kws)

create an asteval Interpreter: a restricted, simplified interpreter of mathematical expressions using Python syntax.

  • symtable (dict or None) – dictionary or SymbolTable to use as symbol table (if None, one will be created).

  • nested_symtable (bool, optional) – whether to use a new-style nested symbol table instead of a plain dict [False]

  • user_symbols (dict or None) – dictionary of user-defined symbols to add to symbol table.

  • writer (file-like or None) – callable file-like object where standard output will be sent.

  • err_writer (file-like or None) – callable file-like object where standard error will be sent.

  • use_numpy (bool) – whether to use functions from numpy.

  • max_statement_length (int) – maximum length of expression allowed [50,000 characters]

  • readonly_symbols (iterable or None) – symbols that the user can not assign to

  • builtins_readonly (bool) – whether to blacklist all symbols that are in the initial symtable

  • minimal (bool) – create a minimal interpreter: disable many nodes (see Note 1).

  • config (dict) – dictionay listing which nodes to support (see note 2))


  1. setting minimal=True is equivalent to setting a config with the following nodes disabled: (‘import’, ‘importfrom’, ‘if’, ‘for’, ‘while’, ‘try’, ‘with’, ‘functiondef’, ‘ifexp’, ‘listcomp’, ‘dictcomp’, ‘setcomp’, ‘augassign’, ‘assert’, ‘delete’, ‘raise’, ‘print’)

  2. by default ‘import’ and ‘importfrom’ are disabled, though they can be enabled.

If not provided, a symbol table will be created with make_symbol_table() that will include several standard python builtin functions, several functions from the math module and (if available and not turned off) several functions from numpy.

The writer argument can be used to provide a place to send all output that would normally go to sys.stdout. The default is, of course, to send output to sys.stdout. Similarly, err_writer will be used for output that will otherwise be sent to sys.stderr.

The use_numpy argument can be used to control whether functions from numpy are loaded into the symbol table.

Whether the user-code is able to overwrite the entries in the symbol table can be controlled with the readonly_symbols and builtins_readonly keywords.

Configuring which features the Interpreter recognizes

The interpreter can be configured to enable or disable many language constructs, named according to the AST node in the Python language definition.

Table of optional Python AST nodes used asteval. The minimal configuration excludes all of the nodes listed, to give a bare-bones mathematical language but will full support for Python data types and array slicing.

node name


in default config

in minimal config


import statements




from x import y




assert statements




x += 1




delete statements




if/then blocks




a = b if c else d




for loops








define functions




print function




raise statements




list comprehension




dict comprehension




set comprehension




try/except blocks




while blocks




with blocks



The minimal configuration for the Interpreter will support many basic Python language constructs including all basic data types, operators, slicing. The default configuration adds many language constructs, including

  • if-elif-else conditionals

  • for loops, with else

  • while loops, with else

  • try-except-finally blocks

  • with blocks

  • augmented assignments: x += 1

  • if-expressions: x = a if TEST else b

  • list comprehension: out = [sqrt(i) for i in values]

  • set and dict comprehension, too.

  • print formatting with %, str.format(), or f-strings.

  • function definitions

The nodes listed in Table Table of optional Python AST nodes used asteval can be enabled and disabled individually with the appropriate no_NODE or with_NODE argument when creating the interpreter, or specifying a config dictionary.

That is, you might construct an Interpreter as:

>>> from asteval import Interpreter
>>> aeval_nowhile = Interpreter(no_while=True)
>>> config = {'while': False, 'if': False, 'try': False,
             'for': False, 'with': False}
>>> aveal_noblocks = Interpreter(config=config)

Passing, minimal=True will turn off all the nodes listed in Table Table of optional Python AST nodes used asteval:

>>> from asteval import Interpreter
>>> aeval_min = Interpreter(minimal=True)
>>> aeval_min.config
{'import': False, 'importfrom': False, 'assert': False, 'augassign': False,
'delete': False, 'if': False, 'ifexp': False, 'for': False,
'formattedvalue': False, 'functiondef': False, 'print': False,
'raise': False, 'listcomp': False, 'dictcomp': False, 'setcomp': False,
'try': False, 'while': False, 'with': False}

As shown above, importing Python modules with import module or from module import method can be enabled, but is disabled by default. To enable these, use with_import=True and with_importfrom=True, as

>>> from asteval import Interpreter
>>> aeval_max = Interpreter(with_import=True, with_importfrom=True)

or by setting the config dictionary as described above:

Interpreter methods and attributes

An Interpreter instance has many methods, but most of them are implementation details for how to handle particular AST nodes, and should not be considered as part of the usable API. The methods described below, and the examples elsewhere in this documentation should be used as the stable API.

asteval.eval(expression[, lineno=0[, show_errors=True[, raise_errors=False]]])

evaluate the expression, returning the result.

  • expression (string) – code to evaluate.

  • lineno (int) – line number (for error messages).

  • show_errors (bool) – whether to print error messages or leave them in the errors list.

  • raise_errors (bool) – whether to re-raise exceptions or leave them in the errors list.

asteval.__call__(expression[, lineno=0[, show_errors=True[, raise_errors=False]]])

same as eval(). That is:

>>> from asteval import Interpreter
>>> a = Interpreter()
>>> a('x = 1')

instead of:

>>> a.eval('x = 1')

the symbol table where all data and functions for the Interpreter are stored and looked up. By default, this is a simple dictionary with symbol names as keys, and values of data and functions. If the nested_symtable option is used, the symbol tables will be a subclass of a dictionary with more features, as discussed in Symbol Tables used in asteval.

In either case, the symbol table can be accessed from the calling program using the symtable attribute of the Interpreter. This allows the calling program to read, insert, replace, or remove symbols to alter what symbols are known to your interpreter.


a list of error information, filled on exceptions. You can test this after each call of the interpreter. It will be empty if the last execution was successful. If an error occurs, this will contain a liste of Exceptions raised.


the most recent error message.

Symbol Tables used in asteval

The symbol table holds all of the data used by the Interpreter. That is, when you execute a = b * cos(pi/3), the Interpreter sees that it needs to lookup values for b, cos, and pi (it already knows =, *, /, (, and ) mean), and then set the value for a. The place where it looks up and then sets those values for these assigned variables is the symbol table.

Historically, and by default, the symbol table in Asteval is a simple dictionary with variable names as the keys, and their values as the corresponding values. This is slightly simpler than in Python or roughly equivalent to everything being “global”. This isn’t exactly true, and what happens inside an Asteval Procedure (basically, a function) is a little different as a special local symbol table (or Frame) is created for that function, but it is mostly true.

Symbol names are limited to being valid Python object names, and must match [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* and not be a reserved word. The symbol table is held in the symtable attribute of the Interpreter, and can be accessed and manipulated from the containing Python program. This allows the calling program to read, insert, replace, or remove symbols to alter what symbols are known to your interpreter. That is, it is perfectly valid to do something like this:

>>> from asteval import Interpreter
>>> aeval = Interpreter()
>>> aeval.symtable['x'] = 10
>>> aeval('sqrt(x)')

By default, the symbol table will be pre-loaded with many Python builtins, functions from the math module, and functions from numpy if available. You can control some of these settings or add symbols into the symbol table with the use_numpy and user_symbols arguments when creating an Interpreter. You can also build your own symbol table and pass that it, and use the readonly_symbols and builtins_readonly options to prevent some symbols to be writeable from within the Interpreter. You can also create your own symbol table, either as a plain dict, or with the make_symbol_table() function, and alter that to use as the symtable option when creating an Interpreter. That is, the calling program can fully control the symbol table, either pre-loading custom variables and functions or removing default functions.

Added in version 0.9.31.

New Style Symbol Table

Beginning with version 0.9.31, there is an option to use a more complex and nested symbol table. This symbol table uses a "Group" object which is a subclass of a Python dict that can also be used with object.attribute syntax:

>>> from asteval import Interpreter
>>> aeval = Interpreter(nested_symtable=True)
>>> aeval('x = 3')
>>> aeval.symtable['x']  # as with default dictionary
>>> aeval.symtable.x     # new
>>> aeval.symtable.y = 7  # new
>>> aeval('print(x+y)')

As with the plain-dictionary symbol table, all symbols must be valid Python identifiers, and cannot be reserved words.

In addition, this symbol table can be nested – not flat – and may have a special attribute called _searchgroups that give the name of sub-Groups to search for symbols. By default, when using this new-style symbol table, the mathematical functions imported from the math and numpy modules) are placed in a subgroup named math (with about 300 named functions and variables), and the _searchgroups variable is set to the tuple ('math',). When looking for the a symbol in an expression like a = b * cos( pi /3), the Interpreter will have to find and use the symbols names for b, cos and pi. With the old-style symbol table, all of these must be in the flat dictionary, which makes it difficult to browse through the symbol table. With the new, nested symbol table, the names b, cos and pi are first looked for in the top-level Group. If not found there, they are looked for in the subgroups named in _searchgroups, in order and returned as soon as one is found. That is the expectation is that b would be found in the “top-level user Group”, while cos and pi would be found in the math Group, and that:

>>> aeval('a = b * cos( pi /3)')
>>> aeval('a = b * math.cos(math.pi /3)')

would be equivalent, as if you had imported a module that would automatically be searched: something between import math and from math import *. Though different from how Python works, if using Asteval as a domain-specific language, this nesting and automated searching can be quite useful.

Utility Functions


Determine whether the input symbol name is a valid name.


name (str) – name to check for validity.


valid – whether name is a a valid symbol name

Return type:


This checks for Python reserved words and that the name matches the regular expression [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]

asteval.make_symbol_table(use_numpy=True, nested=False, top=True, **kws)

Create a default symboltable, taking dict of user-defined symbols.

  • numpy (bool, optional) – whether to include symbols from numpy [True]

  • nested (bool, optional) – whether to make a “new-style” nested table instead of a plain dict [False]

  • top (bool, optional) – whether this is the top-level table in a nested-table [True]

  • kws (optional) – additional symbol name, value pairs to include in symbol table


symbol_table – a symbol table that can be used in asteval.Interpereter

Return type:

dict or nested Group

To make and use a custom symbol table, one might do this:

from asteval import Interpreter, make_symbol_table
import numpy as np
def cosd(x):
    "cos with angle in degrees"
    return np.cos(np.radians(x))

def sind(x):
    "sin with angle in degrees"
    return np.sin(np.radians(x))

def tand(x):
    "tan with angle in degrees"
    return np.tan(np.radians(x))

syms = make_symbol_table(use_numpy=True, cosd=cosd, sind=sind, tand=tand)

aeval = Interpreter(symtable=syms)

which will print 0.5.